How do I request my high school or college transcripts?
Official versions are often sent directly by the school you attended, either through snail mail or as an e-mail. Your school may also give you an official version of your transcript inside a sealed envelope for you to send yourself. If they do, do not open this envelope, as it will make the transcript no longer official.
How do I request my G.E.D. transcripts?
Click here to visit the State Board for Community and Technical College’s GED information page.
If you completed a GED test on paper before 2014, click here to request a transcript.
If you took the GED on a computer after January 1, 2014, click here to request a transcript.
How do I request my Closed School transcripts?
Order a Transcript from a Closed School in Washington here.
The Workforce Board holds transcripts from many of Washington’s closed private career schools. Former students may request copies free of charge.
Your request will be processed within 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of our receipt.
If you do not receive any communication within 10 business days, please contact us at (360) 709-4600 or
How do I request a transcript from Elite Massage School? **
After graduating from Elite Massage School (EMS), you may request (1) Unofficial Transcript (unsealed) for FREE per a calendar year.
** Each additional unofficial transcript (up to 3) will cost $3 each + $2 for handling and postage for a total of $5, $7, or $9.
If you need to request an Official Transcript (Sealed) then you may do so for the cost of $5 each (a school seal and sealed envelope is required) + $5 for handling and postage (as it needs to be in a larger envelope and cost more for shipping) for a total of $10 each.
** You may opt out of shipping and pick up the transcript(s) in person from Elite Massage School to save on shipping and handling, therefore making the total $3 each for Unofficial or $5 each for Official transcripts.
We accept cash, MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, or Discover as payments. If we are shipping them to you, then we will send an invoice at which you must pay before receiving the transcripts.
Please allow 5 to 7 business days for transcripts to arrive. Elite Massage School’s business days are currently Monday to Thursday.